To prevent premature ageing and darkening of your hands, there are a number of homemade remedies and moisturisers that you can use to keep your skin on your hands fair as well as supple and smooth. Most people think that the only way to get a manicure is at a salon which can be expensive to keep up.
However, you can carry out your own manicure at home by massaging cuticle cream into your nail beds in order to soften them, and file your nails in one direction so they don't tear. Also, polish your nails with a base coat to begin with. It is very important that you protect your hands, so when you carry out household chores such as washing up or taming the garden you should wear gloves.
Moisturising is important if you want to keep your hands in their best condition, which can be done by buying simple hand lotions that you can apply daily. You should try to look for lotions that are specified for hands and don't contain any irritants. However, you could make your own by mixing a third of a cup of glycerine and two thirds of a cup of rosewater in a bottle. Once you've given it a good shake, it can be applied regularly to your hands.
Another treatment you could do from home is a 10-minute soak in warm water mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil as well as sea salt and lemon juice. Then wash your hands in cold water, mix a teaspoon of honey and olive oil and then apply to your hands. Place your hands in plastic bags and mittens for 30 minutes. After that you should soak your hands in a bowl of warm milk for five minutes to strengthen the skin.