The most effective and natural way to whiten your skin is simply to avoid the sun. Whenever possible, do not come into direct contact with the sun. Wear a hat or carry an umbrella for times when it is unavoidable to shield your skin from the sun’s rays. Wear large sunglasses to protect the sensitive area are your eyes and always wear clothing that covers your skin. Factor 30 sunscreen is recommended but you could even wear factor 50 for that added protection. By following these steps, not only will you ensure that your skin does not darken due to the sun, but you will also be protecting it from the damaging rays which can cause premature aging such as wrinkles and dark spots and can even lead to cancer.
Papaya Soap is another great natural way to whiten your skin. This is a special soap formulation which contains the enzyme "papain" from papaya which helps whiten and soften your skin. The complexion will become fairer and it will also be free of any acne which is often much more visible on lighter skin. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables and drinking plenty of water will also help the skin look clean, fresh and radiant.
Lemon juice mixed with yoghurt is also works as a natural bleaching product. The lemon juice alone would probably dry out your skin but when mixed with the yoghurt it also works as a deep moisturizer. Milk is also a natural whitener and it has been suggested that by rubbing milk into your face at least once a day will gradually begin to whiten it. Do this my soaking a washcloth in milk and rubbing it into your skin for 10 minutes.
There are many products on the market from the big beauty brands which offer skin whitening products. Anything from moisturizers, cleansers or even deodorants can be bought with skin whitening chemicals. These can be very effective but should be used with caution as they can dry out the skin and result in ‘patchy’ skin.