One of the most telltale signs of a counterfeit Chanel handbag is a misspelling. Other common issues with fakes would be a bad stitching job, sub standard materials, packaging and details. Go over the label carefully to spot any discrepancies.
You know you will not get your dream Chanel bag for that rock bottom price so don't ever feel tempted to check 'in case it might be the real deal'. Always buy from a high end store or
Even on a site such as eBay, you might wind up with a Chanel handbag. Keep in mind that Chanel has a legal department which is also devoted to taking down counterfeit items which are listed on eBay so that they can protect buyers who actually believe that they will get a great buy.
You know you will not get your dream Chanel bag for that rock bottom price so don't ever feel tempted to check 'in case it might be the real deal'. Always buy from a high end store or
Even on a site such as eBay, you might wind up with a Chanel handbag. Keep in mind that Chanel has a legal department which is also devoted to taking down counterfeit items which are listed on eBay so that they can protect buyers who actually believe that they will get a great buy.