It is interesting to note that Burberry is among the top 10 counterfeited brands. Keep in mind that in most cases spotting a fake Burberry is fairly easy as the material used, on the actual product as well as the packaging would be substandard. For instance you will find that that wallet you've been eyeing has that crackle you get with stiff plastic. Another red sign to watch out for is misspellings. For instance you might find that label on your scarf reads Burbery rather than Burberry.
An obvious sign of a fake is the pricing. No, you will not get that genuine cashmere Burberry scarf for a bargain. Also be warned that most sellers, even on sites like eBay will not be selling you the real deal.
An obvious sign of a fake is the pricing. No, you will not get that genuine cashmere Burberry scarf for a bargain. Also be warned that most sellers, even on sites like eBay will not be selling you the real deal.