
How Long Do I Leave A&d Ointment On A Fresh Tattoo?


4 Answers

ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
The Vitamin A and C contained in healing solutions are used in after the fresh tattoo in order to develop collagen and to reduce redness and swelling. It should be used up to complete healing. The healing take place in 3-4 weeks. For more informations visit:
Tattoo Aftercare
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My tattoo artist told me don't put nothing to it let it heal on his own the more stuff you put on it the longer it would take so once he put ointment that will be it let heal by itself works
lisa Profile
lisa answered
My brother just had a very big cross put in the center of his back, and his tattoo artist recommended that he just us intensive care vaseline lotion, because its better for the skin to heal on its own.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My tattoo artist recommends applying it 2-3 times per day for about 5 days.  Make sure it's a very thin coat, and just leave it on until the next time you apply the ointment.

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