You really are not supposed to touch the scab on a tattoo as like your experiencing it can take from the colour. The best thing is to apply plenty of the cream you were recommended and leave it to fall off itself. I think if its faded maybe go back and see what the tattoo artist says.
Pulling the scab off is a BAD idea. NEVER do that, as it promotes bleeding, possibly leaching ink out, as well as removal of the scab often removes the top layer of fresh skin, once again pulling the ink out. You may need a touchup later. If you were one of my customers, I did such touchups for free... But not all tattooists do.
If you had the heart colored red, then it is not unusual to lose the color. First, tattooing red ink is a bit tricky, since the skin turns red seconds after the needle begins hitting it, and makes it difficult to tell just how much red ink you have put in. Some guys, being unsure how much they have in because of the skin turning red, will also over-do it, turning the skin to hamburger, which also causes excess bleeding and loss of ink. One other factor is that red tattoo ink is made from ferrous oxide (essentially iron rust), and people who have a lack of iron, especially women, often absorb the ink into their system.
If you had the heart colored red, then it is not unusual to lose the color. First, tattooing red ink is a bit tricky, since the skin turns red seconds after the needle begins hitting it, and makes it difficult to tell just how much red ink you have put in. Some guys, being unsure how much they have in because of the skin turning red, will also over-do it, turning the skin to hamburger, which also causes excess bleeding and loss of ink. One other factor is that red tattoo ink is made from ferrous oxide (essentially iron rust), and people who have a lack of iron, especially women, often absorb the ink into their system.
You were not keeping the tattoo properly moistened. A scab is a bad thing! A scab over a tattoo takes ink with it when removed and that is why you have color loss in that spot. You should watch the video on this cite and read what they have to say
Don't pick it!!!!! It will make it more infected