Its completely normal if you just got it done. Don't worry drink cold things, stay away from spicey foods and milk as these can irritate it more. Take ibprofen as needed for the pain, but the swelling should be gone within 10 days. Make sure you are rinsing with Listerine frequently and be careful while eating. Good Luck:)
Yes same! When I got it don't I got a shootin pain thorught my ear, and I got earache in my left ear, its only a dull pain but noticable, and when I stretch my tongue out the back of it hurts... I just wanted to know if it was normal tbh ...
I got an ear ache right now, ive had it for about five hours now, ever since I got my tongue pierced. Its only my right ear tho, is this bad?
Oh god same, when I stretch my tongue out it also sends a shooting tingling feeling down my throat, and I have bad earache from going to sleep last night and when I woke up :(
My right ear only hurts. BAD! Its been that way since ive had my tounge pierced 4 days
Same after eating I get a pain in my right ear n I hav it pierced the past 5days my tngue is also sore only on my right side
I just got my tongue pierced yesterday and my rite ear hurts and so does my throat---I was just researching to see if this is normal.