There are a lot of old wives tales that say the fairer your skin the more beautiful you are, which is of course nonsense.
However, there are a few home made remedies that are alleged to make your skin fairer. Depending of course on how much of your body you want to treat will depend on how much of each ingredient to use; this is just a guide;
• Make a paste up from turmeric powder, a small amount of milk and a dash of lime juice.
• Form a paste
• Spread onto your skin and leave to dry
• Rinse off with warm water
• Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a week.
You can also use any of the following ingredients as they all act as bleaching agents;• Honey
• Lemon or Lime Juice
• Milk
• Cucumber Juice
• Flour is also good to form a paste
Please be aware that these ingredients are not designed to put on your skin so you may develop an allergic reaction.It is also advisable to cover up completely when going out in the sun to protect your skin and also to avoid you skin becoming any darker. Use a sun screen with a high SPF protection and it is advisable to wear a hat.There is a limit to how light your skin will become so if you are very dark and want very fair skin you may be disappointed by the results.