Theres a couple different ways you can make a home made tattoo gun. First you'll need an electric toothbrush(the kind that spins) ,safety pens , ink(NOT PEN INK USE INDIAN INK OR HOMEMADE CIGARETTE ASHES AND WATER MAKE IT CREAMY LIKE INK),eraser off a pencil. Break the tip of the toothbrush now cut the tip of Safety pen about 1-1 half inches.put the Safety pen or you can use a needle that you prefer into the eraser and push the eraser into the top of the toothbrush make sure to leave the very tip of the needle out off the eraser and toothbrush.THIS IS THE EASIEST WAY TO MAKE A HOMEMADE TATTOO GUN BE CAREFUL.
Take a drive motor from a cassette player a spoon a ball point pen a eraser from a pencil an a guitar string
You might be able to make a homemade tattoo gun, but without the proper knowledge of depth, sanitation, inks, you can do some serious damage. Please don't be a scratcher... Go to a reputable artist, or you risk turning your skin to hamburger or severe infections.