
Does Nail Polish Make Your Nails Grow Faster Than Without?


12 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I say wear nailpolish. It hardens your nails and makes them harder to break. It kinda protects them in a way, while they are growing. And for people who bite their nails, it's a great way to minimize that.. For some reason I never bite my nails when they have nailpolish.. I just can't. Lol, for them to grow, you should eat healthy, drink a lot of milk and just let them do their thing :)

wear nailpolish though, so your nails can grow w/ no cracks and splits.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, actually to make your nails grow faster, you don't need color nail polish. A step by step process will help. Every night, for the first 10 min, soak your nails on both hands in warm water. Than dry them off will a paper towel. Before going to bed put a little of fluoride toothpaste,(can be anything like crest) on the nails. Leave them on overnight, and wash them off in the morning. Continue this for about 1-2 weeks. This will actually have a change in your nails.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have nail manicure once a week and some people keep on bitting the nails I think you should wear nail hardner and just ignore your nails and after a week you will see your nails grow then remove the hardner and soak your hands in water with lemon juice in it continue it for a week thenn you'll se your nails shine..!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know  I put on a clear coat and some cuticle cream in 2 days I started seeing a change om my nails there getting longer
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Nail polish does not physically make your nail grow faster,
but by wearing nail polish that is opaque, you cannot see how long the nail is.
Leave the opaque nail polish on for 5-7 days,
remove it, and you will see that your nails appear longer than they would have without nail polish,
because when you are wearing opaque nail polish, it disguises your nail tip, and so when you take it off, it comes as a surprise.
Hope this helps :)
demi daccer Profile
demi daccer answered
Not really, but that can help preventing them from breaking, because nail polish adds support to them, however if you want to make then grow faster have so me vitamins or calcium. And if you like natural things just rub them with olive oil
Deborah Worsham Profile
Deborah Worsham answered
nail polish doesn't make your nail grow faster- it helps protect the nail from everyday wear and tear.  I would wear a clear coat or a strengthener when not wearing regular polish. Some are allergic to certain ingredients in polish-then I would suggest not to wear any.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I used to bite mt nails but I have stoped know,but I don't think it makes a great differance doing anything just eat healthy and try not to wear nail polish all the time
Frances Berdy Profile
Frances Berdy answered
No. In fact, by having to remove it with nail polish remover, you're actually damaging your nails. Best bet is just to eat healthy. You're nails grow from nutrients that are IN your body, not by stuff you put ON your nails.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I used to bite my nails but then I stopped biting them for someone I loved and it has really helped I have a manicure all the time and my nails are lovely (everyone compliments on them) so just try and set yourself a challenge that you know you can complete. Tip 1 do it for someone you love (It helps A LOT)  sorry that's not really answering the question but still

Hope this helps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think people just wear nail polish because they think it will make their nails grow but it doesn't really. Tip 1 if you want to make your nails LOOK nice give yourself a manicure.

Hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Never polish your nails, because there are fumes in the polish that will destroy your nails:)

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