Gucci handbags are famous all over the world so it is natural that many may try to take undue advantage of this fact and pass of duplicates as original Gucci handbags. But there are several things that would enable you to tell an original Gucci creation from a replica or a duplicate. Whenever you are buying a Gucci handbag check the zips because they would have the initials of the designer on every zip on the bag which may not be found on the replica.
Another method is to check out the serial number found on the bag which would match with the number on the authenticity certificate that you are given with the bag. A replica or a duplicate would not have a serial number or an authenticity certificate. Then protect yourself from being cheated by buying the bag from good and authorized dealers.
Another method is to check out the serial number found on the bag which would match with the number on the authenticity certificate that you are given with the bag. A replica or a duplicate would not have a serial number or an authenticity certificate. Then protect yourself from being cheated by buying the bag from good and authorized dealers.