
What Are The Plastic Tips Of Shoelaces Called?


9 Answers

Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
They are called AGLETS - an alternative spelling is AIGLETS, but this is less common.

The word aglet comes from the French aiguillette, or needle. It can also refer to a metal tag on a (shoe)lace; a spangle; or a tag-like ornament on a uniform. (Oxford English Dictionary)

There is a website which tells you everything else you might want to know about shoelaces - apparently lots of people look uo shoelace tips (or shoelace ends as they are apparently called!) The site is at
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The end of a shoelace is called Aglett
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Aglet don't you watch Phineas and Ferb? I am watching that one as I type A-G-L-E-T don't forget it!

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