I Had Open Cuts In My Pubic Hair, A Girl Bled On My Cuts, Am I A Risk For Hiv?


4 Answers

Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
If you exchange any body fluid with anyone, male or female, you are at risk of HIV. Blood especially. If you have open cuts in your pubic region and a women bleed on you then you really need to get some more formalized information concerning sexually transmitted diseases, Stds. Have open cuts in the pubic region is not too common to my understanding and a condom is not total protection. A lot of Stds can be transmitted even if one is wearing a condom. Go to your local health facility or Planned Parenthood and pick-up some information.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you had open cuts anywhere and came into contact with someone else's body fluids, then you could be at risk for HIV if you had contact with someone else who had HIV. 
Erica Profile
Erica answered
If the girl has HIV, yes. If you have open cuts ANYWHERE, and someone else's blood gets on or in them then you are at risk for a lot more than HIV, like Hepatitis, Herpes, ALL STDs and lots of different infections like staphylococcus, "staph" infections.
Ayesha Griffiths Profile
Simple - yes you are. Some one elses fluid mixed with yours and has gotten into your system, so you are at risks. Go and get yourself checked out :)

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