You could use a plaid, The Royal households all have their own. I think we think of Elizabeth 1, when we think of England. You could use a sash of plaid. A corset like shift, with woolen stockings. A silk Hat with a pearl hat pin. A linen underskirt, and decorated 3/4 length vestcoat. Silk shoes to match.
Kind of like shirts tucked in to straight skirts with perhaps a plaid design.
It is said that England unlike other countries has no national dress. However, I have read at various places that a typical English dress is on the style of the first Anglo Saxon who arrived on the shores of England. Women usually wore colorful and decorative ankle length straight shifts made of light material. On the other hand, men wore bright colored woolen tunics below knee length with a round or V neck. You can read in detail about them at the link below: