You can usually get financing, generally from the clinic that is doing the plastic surgery. But if you can't afford to pay cash for it, you should really ask if you need the surgery. If it's plastic surgery, something to correct a defect that is causing physical problems, that's one thing. But if it's cosmetic surgery, in other words done strictly to look better, thinner or younger, maybe it's not something you need after all.
In any event, if you decide you do need the surgery, talk to the clinic or plastic surgeon. Cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery is not cheap - some procedures can cost several thousand dollars. There's more information on cost, financing and other issues for both men and women at Cosmetic Surgery Procedures
In any event, if you decide you do need the surgery, talk to the clinic or plastic surgeon. Cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery is not cheap - some procedures can cost several thousand dollars. There's more information on cost, financing and other issues for both men and women at Cosmetic Surgery Procedures