You have to put lime juice on it and that let it be there four 7 hours each day and it will come off in about a week
I WOULD NEVER CUT MINE OFF because there is a serious risk of cancer. Honestly try rubbing them with sandpaper because it might just do the trick. I haven't tried it yet, when I do I will let you know
Good luck
I have 3 beauty marks on my legs and hate them
I know how you feel. I have some that I'm too embarrassed to let people see. I've thought about cutting it, freezing it, and burning it, but they're all too painful! So, I did lots of internet. I saw read one that said you can shave off the small ones, and have surgery for the big ones (for possibilities of cancer). But, in my opinion, freezing them, AND shaving them just might work. If your too scared to shave the small ones off after freezing them (possibilities it might cut deeper than supposed to), put some makeup on it. Hope this helps!
There is no way of getting them off naturally. I have a bunch all over my body. I hate them too! And I don't know what to do so I'll just go to the doctor and see what he can do. If you have the same problem as me I would go get them checked out because they might be cancerous. Thats what I'd do and I've read this artical that some doctor wrote that if you stay in the sun you will more likely able to get them. So if you don't want any more stay out of the sun!(and yea I know it's hard because everyone wants to look tan.)
hopes this helps:)
hopes this helps:)
I know one really good old trick! I'm sure you should have some of this....its sandpaper! Use sandpaper and put pressure on that one specific spot or you can shave it your skin!
These SHOULD work I'm not promising... I ahve a few too but that doesnt matter
These SHOULD work I'm not promising... I ahve a few too but that doesnt matter
I don't think you can permanent get rid of them....only by covering them up with tons of foundation or going under the knife and cutting it out completely. I my self have a beauty mark right in between my eyebrows, I hate it! But I have knives so I'm also looking for remedies.....hope it helps a little even though I didn't answer your question really. Sorry, did my best because I can't find anything either. Good luck!
Well I myself have quite a big sized beauty mark on my face.... And I just feel soo self concious and I always was made fun of.. But then all my friends kinda go used to it.. I did go to the docter, I was going to have it surgically removed, but then I decided not to, because it makes me different fro. Everybody else, and I'm still a reply beautiful girl with my beauty mark.. I think you should keep it, it makes you unique.
I have a beauty mark on my face right next to my nose I thought I looked ugly with it but I guess it make me look unique.