Shoes existed since ancient times. It was when early man during the time of warmer climates in order to save their feet from the heat used to strap a mat of woven grass or even with an animal hide or even a flat wood to his feet with "thongs" he cut out of animal hide. On the other hand ancient man living in colder climates wanted something more to protect their feet. They used to add some kind of material to the top of the crude sandals. This was done in order to receive extra cover from the cold.
It was during the time of early Egyptians that different styles of sandals came out which were mostly worn by wealthy people. It was from here that man began coming up with various styles and comfort with shoes.
It was during the time of early Egyptians that different styles of sandals came out which were mostly worn by wealthy people. It was from here that man began coming up with various styles and comfort with shoes.