The word hat came from the Anglo-Saxon word "haet" that means to cover. The hat was invented by the early men to protect their head from the rain and snow as well as the rays of sun. The next very development of the hat was war helmet. It was for protection and was made of metal to guard against swords and arrows. Among primitive tribes, the headdress often had a hideous form in order to frighten the enemy.
Each country and people developed its own style of headdress for decorative and ceremonial reasons. The Fez, a small brimless felt cap usually red in colour was developed in certain countries of western Asia. Crown of king and queen was made to symbolize their rank. Nuns and monks had their own style of headdress. Around five or six hundred years ago manufacturing of hat became an industry.
Hats had been named after the people who first wore them, invented them or after the place where they were first worn. The Panama hat was originated in Panama about 300 years ago.
Each country and people developed its own style of headdress for decorative and ceremonial reasons. The Fez, a small brimless felt cap usually red in colour was developed in certain countries of western Asia. Crown of king and queen was made to symbolize their rank. Nuns and monks had their own style of headdress. Around five or six hundred years ago manufacturing of hat became an industry.
Hats had been named after the people who first wore them, invented them or after the place where they were first worn. The Panama hat was originated in Panama about 300 years ago.