I Am A 62 Year Old "How Should I Dress"? ( To Be A Trendy Gran Please)


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think you should shop at places like coldwater creek or talbots it is for adult women but it is still " TRENDY " you can find things that are casual and dressy but good quality for good prices.

If these stores don't exist where you are you should dress casual on normal days denim jeans that have a slight wash to them but the dark ones not those super light jeans they don't look good on any one but pop stars and for a top something plain not really floral and no sparkles either but soft colors and either a crew neck or a small V neck. If you are looking for dressier clothing then you might want to go with a blue pants suit or a dress that dosen't cling (depending on your size)! Just relax and stay casual and you'll look great! Hope I  was of some help
gillian caten Profile
gillian caten answered
Thank you for your reply which I really appreciate. I'm afraid near to my home they are often too young or really frumpy. I generally wear jeans and various tops during the day;evenings are the main problem ...really young or absolutely yuk. I'll get there eventually. Thank you again for your encouraging words.

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