I'm sure you're fine. Do you look and feel good? That's very important too. Don't be too hung up on your "stats" .. It's really more important to feel healthy and look that way too.
Am i fat? Im 5'0 and 116 lbs. Please be brutally honest. i would ask my boyfriend if i wanted the answer to be sugar coated
Are you kidding? You are the same height as me. I wish that I could give you some of my weight! Lol. Don't worry, you are the right size.
The world would have us believe that the passport to happiness is our physical appearance, that our “image” is everything. Don't get caught up in its mold! Stay healthy, be happy! :)
Get on a scale that shows your body fat%.
BMI is worthless.
No I believe that's normal
Lets say you are not really obesely overweight/fat but on the heavy end of the middle weight for your height
No that's not fat.
I'm sure You're not fat.