For girls who wear make-up: Why do you wear it? (I'm asking because my friend thinks most women wear it because they want to attract guys. I disagree. I know plenty of girls who wear it because they it's fun and looks nice.)


7 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I have blonde eyelashes and blonde eyebrows, which makes them a bit hard to see. Add pale skin to that and without make up I look like a chemo patient. I wear make up so I don't get weird stares.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

The truth is .. Most women wear makeup  for a number of reasons.  It is actually quite intriguing.

Primarily because it is the same reason that a man would "dress to impress". It's not just to improve what other's think about their appearance in order to make an impression but because it makes THEM feel better about themselves.  Surprisingly, it has more to do about how one 'feels'. Feeling like you look good provides a sense of confidence .. And confidence increases one's ability to make an impression.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I have to wear makeup for dance performances, but sometimes I wear it at home. I like it BC it just makes you look more collected.

EBBe lau Profile
EBBe lau answered

I usually don't wear makeup, but when I do, it's either because of a special occasion or I just felt like doing something fun! It's really fun to try different eyeshadow colors and shades, or try new makeup styles. And no, I don't give a crap about boys staring at my makeup. Boys that I've talked to say makeup is overrated and they'd rather date a girl that doesn't wear layers and layers (AND MORE LAYERS!) of makeup.

runner forlife Profile
runner forlife answered

I think girls look better natural. From experience guys like natural better because makeup makes them look fake. So for the girls that think its to attract guys it really doesn't, unless you want the attraction to end up in your pants. Some girls though, do wear it for fun, some think it makes them look younger and some may actually need it but for girls that are 12 and teenagers its better to go natural. Your already young and theres no wrinkles you need to be covering. The only thing necessary I can understand is cover up for the zits and pimples.

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