We should all shower together to save water and we could all wash eachother's backs.
Showering is a spiritual experience.
You've undoubtedly heard that wearing a clove of garlic around your neck keeps you safe from vampires; failing to shower keeps you safe from everybody, vampires included. Why would you give up all that protection every time you shower?
Stay dirty, stay safe, stay *heh, heh, heh* solitary.
Ok, ewwwww.
I take once before sleep, once after i wake up.
So a lot of people seem to be joking that this is okay, and maybe it is a troll question, but in a serious note: You need to shower more than twice a month.
We could shower together and save water me and earnst and you
Once. You can shower twice but ONLY in case of emergency... But don't use soap, there's no purpose for that.
In line with your reasoning, why shower at all??
That's crazy for showering once or twice by month, actually we need to shower every day, as we should be clean,if no, we have smell and are dirty, so keeping clean for taking shower every day, it's better and it's good for the health as well.
Ummmm, I thought people take a shower everyday, or is that just me?
Once or twice a month would be considered VERY bad hygiene .. For obvious reasons. Showering daily would be considered very good hygiene .. So do the math, and decide yourself where you want to be in terms of good or bad.
In a month?