When I did a Bing search for Autism Speaks T-shirts, I came up with a ton of hits. You might try www.autismspeaks.org and see if they have what you are looking for.
I'm looking for an Autism Acceptance Shirt that I can wear on occasions in order to make people stop being ignorant about it. Where can I get one?
I want to wish you the best of luck here as its going to take a lot more than any T-shirt to change or teach the minds of people. Unfortunately, once people get a notion about something, they tend to stick with it forever, and thanks to Public Education, majority of people are ignorant or afraid to learn something new so they are brain washed by the system.
I admire your intention here to change things and make people understand and don't ever quit no matter what other people think or say. Good luck
Try customink.com. You can create just about any look with any color shirt there, on just about any topic. It's a little pricey, but there's nothing like owning a shirt you created yourself. Best wishes.
Um no thanks I intend to wear a t - shirt that says Autism Acceptance
And I believe that Autism Speaks is against Autism so,no