Why Don't Women Get Moustaches When They Have More Hair Than Men ?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You are right most women don't have very much hair above their lip, except this girl I use to work with she could have passed for a guy if she didn't wax. I personally would be happy to have less hair, like just from the waist up in a few areas like my head, eye lashes and eyebrows. I know hair serves a purpose, but some of it just gets shaved so why have it lol.
Kristi DeMilta Profile
Kristi DeMilta answered
On the contrary, women do get mustaches all of the time. Thing is, those who do [such as myself] get rid of them quickly through means of waxing or a depilatory cream. Shaving only causes problems. It is probably hormones as Debossman has said before. Hispanic, Italian, and other such ethnics.  It mostly depends on your family and how hereditary it might or might not be.

Women wax/depilatory creamize their faces for the same reason they do their legs [well, some; there are some women who don't, which is REALLY disgusting]. They feel more attractive.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It has to do with hormones. I don't see why it is thought of as unclean, although it is not attractive for a woman to have a mustache.  Women with a mustache may have an over active gland producing male hormone. They can probably overcome some of the unsightly hair by getting those hormones balanced, but everyone is different, some people are just hairier than others. Blonde women have hair too it just isn't as noticeable whereas women with dark hair, it is more obvious. Women with the hair can't help it, they don't want it and they desire to be beautiful too. 
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
You are right on. Age and hormones are major problems for facial hair. I have yet to met a woman who had a mustache and was in anyway attractive.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Men typically have more hair on their bodies than women because of testosterone. During puberty, boys experience an increase in testosterone, which gives them facial and body hair, and makes their shoulders widen. Women receive more estrogen, which gives them breasts and wider hips. However, it is not uncommon for women to have more testosterone then most, or for men to have some extra estrogen.
Hello Boss Profile
Hello Boss answered
Some women do get moustaches, some quite heavily, beards also.
I believe this is caused by hormones, heredity, shaving the face with a razor, medications, and the like. The shaving with a razor part does not actually cause the initial growth, but contributes to the hair coming back thicker and heavier with time. It is much better to start removing with a depilatory cream or electrolisis.
Actually, I have found that a little "Peach F*u*z*z" on a females upper lip can be quite sexy.
(Blurtit won"t accept one of the words that are in quotations, so it is in the form you see.)
( Must be a British thing.)
thanked the writer.
Ayesha Griffiths
Ayesha Griffiths commented
I'm british. And yes .. " Fuzz" is usually a word that names the hair down below... Get my drift? Ah, us Brits are rather cool, hey? Funny words for every thing!
Ayesha Griffiths Profile
Well, You have a point. But Mostaches on women arn't very attractive...
Its like having hairy legs.
It's just not nice. X
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Men have moustache because they have testosterone. But other men do not moustache.  They don't even hair on their legs.  As women get older, the begin to have higher level of testosterone that's why they tend to have more facial hair.  To some women, this looks like thin moustache which they take out by depilatory. Sometimes, they use a bleach to make the hair less noticeable. Maybe the reason why women get rid of the moustache is not just because it is unhygienic and ugly.  Maybe it is because the moustache is a masculine facial feature, not feminine.
Cindy Thompson Profile
Cindy Thompson answered
It's socially unattractive for a woman to have a mustache. I don't know if it's still okay for European women to not shave. Maybe they have mustaches too. Peace
Brian Reed Profile
Brian Reed answered
Because it would not be apropos and + it would be sort of gross in my opinion.I just do not find that very attractive in a woman!

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