I think it strange that National Ferris Wheel Day is in Feb. Who thinks this stuff up? Lol
If I knew, I'd be writing it myself. Write about something you know.
You could try bulletin boards at supermarkets. Advertising on a latge scale costs money. Spamming websites and the like will not likely pay off in a positive way for you or your business.
Hard to imagine many people willing to be committed to a psychiatric facility. If the patient is potentially dangerous to themselves or others, it should be a done deal whether they approve or not. I think that is actually the case.
Maybe a finer point on who this "we" is.
Humans invented their religions to serve some purpose, that it lingered so long must have filled some need, given some type of reward.
Ever wonder what that need is intended to be and who exactly reaped the reward? Look hard at any major religion or religious … Read more
As opposed to an actual crime? I would think that is enough.
Fight back. Climb out of the shadows and destroy him.
When so many of a breed (in this case: Losers) gather in one place, isnt it natural to want to stand out from the crowd?
Misery loves company.
Choose your DNA carefully.
Try slamming the face onto concrete or into pots of boiling water. Instant results guaranteed.
Nope. Not close on this one.
If you had ever met, or even seen my wife, you'd understand.
No, not at all. I'm so grateful for the time I had with my late husband and for our wonderful daughter.