Because of the extensive oil or because of the genes also we have pimples on the cheek.
A lot of people don't realize this but pimples are often caused by your own actions. Do you sleep on your hands? Do you clean your cell phone before you touch your skin with it? Also every part of your face reacts to a certain part of your internal body parts that are in stress. Or even sometimes things that go on in every day life. I have been told that the cheeks are a sign of stress.
It could be because she is eating or
drinking something that has too much
acid in it ..
When my neice was younger she had
pimples on her face and that is the
reason ..
drinking something that has too much
acid in it ..
When my neice was younger she had
pimples on her face and that is the
reason ..
My 8year old got some from eating and drinking to much sweet stuff =/