What would you use if you have an angry red pimple? How would you get the inflammation down? please help out ... tried with n number of products but no results..


4 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

Products never worked for me either; they only served to make the situation worse. You could try one of those "4 hour" cleansers from Clean and Clear or other brands, but, even those don't perform to advertised standards. Today, I use Witchhazel (natural cleanser) and drink plenty of water.  Along with this also keep your face clean from oils and grease. It may not help bring the inflamation down now but it will help to prevent a future incident. Best of luck to you!

Darling Divaa Profile
Darling Divaa answered

You could try using a very warm (not hot) wet compress on it a couple of times a day. That should reduce the redness and inflammation.

sm cl Profile
sm cl answered

You can use the liquid from the Advil liquigels and it reduces pimples really well and really quickly. Just remember to wipe it off after and if it burns or anything like that then take it off sooner.

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