
Daughter 8 years old has got type of pimples on her stomach. Doctor has this is herpes and has advised calamine lotion to apply. What is it actually and what is the treatment. How much time it will take to cure? Is it dangerous? Is it serious?


3 Answers

Catherine Howard Profile

The doctor is most likely correct.  However if you worry the doctor may be wrong I would seek a second opinion or go to a dermatologist (skin doctor).

If you go with this doctor diagnosis, follow his treatment plan to the letter.  If it does not work, get another appointment. 

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

I would think the doctor knows best but wouldn't hurt to get second opinion but you think the doctor would of took blood work, she could have allergies too .

joe mckeown Profile
joe mckeown , Joe Mckeown, answered

Try Polysporin Triple. It's an antibiotic so will not harm the Child. I use it on the occasional Cold Sore, which is a form of Herpes, and it works very well.

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