If you want to style your hair in the way of the emo or scenester, then here are a few tips you may want to follow:
1. Volume is important
You can achieve this by combining hair styling moose with backcombing.
Visit Hot Topic and look out for Manic Panic hairdyes. They're considered "the best".
I'd also check out some YouTube hair dying tutorials if it's your first time. Especially if bleaching is involved.
Animal print is also acceptable.
Just beware that, while these hairstyles will look great right after you dye your hair - maintaining a complex pattern is a pain, as your hair will grow out and colors fade.
4. Bangs.
The defining feature of any emo hairstyle is the bangs or fringe. Whether you're talking about guys or girls, exposed forehead is not an option.
Instead, you should adopt the "side-swept" look that will make you stand out as a true scenester or emo.