It was definitely a poor choice of shirt for a TV appearance. I mean, surely SOMEONE would have thought "Hold on, this won't look great"? Aside from being one of the most unattractive shirts I've ever seen, it does open a can of worms, as he's now realised!
Having said that, I do think it's a shame that his incredible achievements have been overshadowed by the reaction to his shirt. He's likely been dreaming of this moment his entire life, and he's now been made to apologise for his dress sense.
I don't think it's fair that he's been attacked to viciously on social media platforms, and for someone who's probably not used to being in the public eye, it's likely come as a huge shock and dissappointment.
I do think the shirt was in bad taste. In both senses of the word - it's pretty awful and I thought men knew that these are NOT FASHIONABLE anymore. Also, it does present some sexist undertones such as that women are objects to be looked at rather than be super-cool scientists who can land spacecrafts on comets, but I think Dr Matt Taylor was treated a little harshly. I mean, he cried when he apologised!
Poor guy. I can't help but feel sorry for him.I think, as Beth said, that this says something about society in general, and this is where we should be focusing our attention. Unfortunately, with the stigma attached to feminism these days, this is going to sound cliche, but the 'everyday sexism' that women are still subjected to is evident in Dr Taylor's choice of shirt. Many people, including women, still think it's okay for women to be objectified in this passive manner and that is what needs to be changed. We shouldn't be making super scientists cry.
There is always a thin line between what you 'think' is appropriate and what is actually appropriate.
Dr. Matt didn't care about it. And people (well, most of them) don't care about Matt Taylor anymore. I mean what is the difference between Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian and Doc..??