
Can triamcinolone be good for acne?


4 Answers

Sivchour Sun Profile
Sivchour Sun answered

Personally I wouldn't, I googled the ingredient list - it's natsy.

Best off changing your diet to no junk and or processed foods, including liquids. Wearing of natural clothing - cotton is best - stay clear of all sythetic materials, especially the underwear.
Drink only good quality spring water, if you can get it. Tap water contains NOTHING that is good for the natural body, and bought filtered water is considered DEAD water, contains again NOTHING good for you, it's lacking all the enzymes that are good for you gut.

Go natural,  organic - you pay a little more - sometimes not - but you are getting a pure product that actually works. Click here to learn more and find your  answer!

Kelvin Yong Profile
Kelvin Yong answered

No, Triamcinolone is actually a steroid and is more for things like eczema and psoriasis. It isn't good for acne, in fact it aggravates acne. Triamcinolone is also too strong for our faces and can cause thinning of the skin, discoloration and scarring. At the very most though, it reduces the inflammation (reddness). I'm actually speaking from experience so yeah lol.

Now I have 2 tips to help you practically cure acne overnight:

- Try slicing a fresh lemon in half and rub it on the acne area and leave it over night. Rinse your face the next morning or  you can also squeeze the juice and mix it with rose water and apply to the acne area.

- Blend a cucumber into a paste and apply it on the acne area for around 30-45 minutes before washing it off.

There are many ways to cure your acne short-term and long-term. Now, I can share with you something that has actually helped me get rid of my acne permanently and hopefully it works for you too: Skintervention Guide

Good luck!

Sam Selva Profile
Sam Selva answered

It doesnt' work for acne, it just reduces the inflammation (reddness). 

I do hope you are not using it on your face - it can cause discoloration and thinning of the skin if you use it a lot.

You need to be using a cleanser without fragrances or dyes, use a different sponge or washcloth each time - bacteria can live on wet sponges/washcloths and then when you use it, you put it back on your body. Then apply a product that has benzoyl peroxide - which will help kill any bacteria on your skin and prevent future breakouts.

The doctor can also prescribe other medication - like a retinoid - if the above doesn't work. Good luck!

Matthew Lundgren Profile


I'm not quite sure how well triamcinolone works for acne care, but I can give you some tips on stuff that helped me!

I use Witch Hazel every night to clean my face, it has a gentle formula and works well!

Then I just put acne cream (I usually try and go for organic products) on my pimples, and usually in one or two days they are gone!

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