Miranda Innaimo , Independent Author , answered
I've always been a bit... Eccentric in my fashion, so allow me to share a few with you!
When I was in Jr High, I thought I was the cat's pajamas by rolling up my jeans and showing off my various hues of striped toe socks. No joke, I thought I was pretty cool.
I believed- for a short while- like the kid from BIG DADDY, that I was invincible behind my rose tinted sunglasses: No one could hurt me, or see through me, and identify my true self. I wore these, in many different styles, for years, off and on, but always for the same reason.
Yeah, well, shaving my head also seemed like a good idea back in the day. I took my hair down from shoulder length to the scalp (practically). Here is me about a month after I shaved my head. I tell you what, though, it was fun while it lasted. ;)
What can I say? It was Earth Day and I was in University at the time. Perhaps I was going from some pseudo-hippie, mother-earth-ish look. I don't know!