vaginal boil could occur due to various factors. The most common cause of such
boils is ingrown hair. Bacteria that are normally present on the skin may
infect these hair follicles and lead to the development of a boil. Boils can
also occur when a foreign object gets lodged into the skin. A splinter or a
fragment of glass could penetrate the skin and get trapped inside, thereby
leading to infection.
glands. An excess production of sebum or oil can cause a blockage of the pore
openings. Bacteria and dirt may then become trapped inside the blocked pore.
Clogged sweat glands can also be a result of poor hygiene as dirt and dead skin
cells may get stuck inside the pores. In some cases small bruises and scrapes that
occur on the skin could get infected and lead to the formation of abscesses.
The pus may leak out from the boil and spread to surrounding areas. This could
lead to the formation of new boils.
may be treated with hot or cold compresses. This encourages rupture of the boil
and drainage of the pus. Hot compresses have a tendency to improve the blood
circulation in the area and this helps the body to fight infection. Swelling
and pain arising from the boil may be alleviated by applying an ice pack to the
area. An effective natural cure for boils on vagina are
is tea tree oil. This helps to ease the inflammation. One can also apply a
paste of turmeric powder and ginger to the boil. Keep the area covered with a
piece of gauze for about thirty minutes.
It is
important to treat boils at the earliest, especially vaginal boils. If left
untreated, the infection could become aggravated. The pain and discomfort
arising from the boil could also worsen. In case severe infection develops,
antibiotic medication may be necessary.