The common advice is not to pop the zit. It is believed that it is best to let the body heal on its own. However, most people will pop a zit anyway and so should do it properly and safely. Surprisingly, new research shows that popping a zit can actually help speed the healing process.
Caution! This technique is not for painful lesions or cystic acne – zits that are burrowed deeply under the skin surface. It is only appropriate when white blood cells collect and are walled off in a follicle, forming a white head that is visible on the surface.
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Caution! This technique is not for painful lesions or cystic acne – zits that are burrowed deeply under the skin surface. It is only appropriate when white blood cells collect and are walled off in a follicle, forming a white head that is visible on the surface.
- Gather your supplies. You will need alcohol, cotton balls or wipes, a needle, matches or lighter and a mirror to see what you are doing.
- Wash your hands with soap and hot water.
- Pass a needle through the flame of a lighter or match. The common garden variety sewing needle is a good choice. Once it has safely cooled, use an alcohol soaked cotton ball or wipe to wipe it clean.
- Hold the needle on a parallel line with the zit. Gently insert the needle into the surface of the zit and pull upwards. This should remove the top of the zit and release any pus.
- Gently apply pressure to the sides of the zit. Do not squeeze it between the thumb and finger. Squeezing a pimple may actually cause it to implode deeper into the skin, resulting in a red swollen cyst. Push down in a perpendicular motion for the best results.
- Stop. You don’t want to pop a pimple until clear fluids or blood begins to appear.
- Finish by swabbing the popped zit with alcohol or witch hazel. Apply a dab of acne medication and you’re done. The zit should be completely gone in 72 hours.
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