How Do You Get Nail Polish Off With Out Nail Polish Remover?


21 Answers

Your Worst Nightmare Ever Profile
Many things can be done. You could put toothpaste on it and rub it off. Or you could put more nail polish and rub it off quickly before it dries. Or you could get any alcohol and put it in your nails. The alcohol is used because the main chemical that does all the work while wiping off nail varnish with nail polish remover is the alcohol. So , if you have alcohol , you could just rub some over.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, Tonight my sister and I got nail polish all over are selves. So I took an old tooth brush got the water really hot, and put soap on the tooth brush, and brushed it off, it came off really quick. And one time I also used a Mr.Clean! That works too.. Hope this helpp you(((:
Keira Barker ʚϊɞ Profile
If you get an old toothbrush add warm water and toothpaste it rubs off also if you get some toilet paper and add hot water and shampoo it works.
Another answer is if you use perfume it acts like nail polish remover.
I hope this helps as I have just tried to do it and I fond most of them work xxxxx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I heard that you use clear nail polish, and then wipe it off BUT do it one nail at a time
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
With rubbing alcohol.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Put soap on it and file it off or put more nail polish and rub it off with rubbing alcohol.You allneed to learn with your big heads!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Kk  this is the easisest get a plate the will  fit your hand  then get  realley warm water  after out some soap any kind grab cotton pads dap some of the soap on the pad after that just run it will come off
Renae' Copeland Profile
Renae' Copeland answered
The perfume is like nail polish remover but it took me a while so it might take a while with other people.But it works

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