Why does Schick and Gillette charge so much for replacement razor blades?


5 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Good question ! I have no answer for that! It makes me mad to see how much they charge and half of the cheaper disposable razors are junk. They give you a great price to buy their razors and then charge the heck out of you for replacements. It's a total rip-off ! I was thinking of joining Harry's Razors as they have monthly replacements for a whole lot cheaper !

Four Palmz Profile
Four Palmz answered

Agree.  I've been thinking of joining, dollar shave club, myself.

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

They're just like the companies that make printers. They sell the printers real cheap and rape you on the ink cartridges.

DDX Project Profile
DDX Project answered

Dollar Shave Club is still a rip off. You can get a year's supply for a lot cheaper at www.dorcousa.com/ where Dollar Shave gets their razors from.

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