
Do Nepalese women shave their body area?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Body grooming and hair removal is a subject that doesn't get addressed too often, whether you are from Nepal or from Nicaragua... The truth is a lot of women do shave, wax, or laser their body hair - it's considered more feminine to have silky smooth skin in pretty much every culture - including the Nepalese one.

As for intimate or pubic hair, it's possible that cultures like that of Nepal might treat things differently, but overall I think it comes down to sexual activity.

If someone is likely to see your "hair down there", then it makes sense to keep it neat and tidy.

But I assume casual sex and pre-marital intercourse happens less with traditional Nepalese girls due to their culture, so most of them won't feel the pressure to shave of anything else. Not until their wedding night probably...

Overall though, Nepalese women are very proud of their looks and are very beautiful so don't be surprised if they go to great lengths to maintain that beauty.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Yes, Nepalese women shave their entire body area. I have seduced and bedded up to 12 Nepalese woman, so can vouch for you that they take proper care of their body area at all times :))

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