How do celebrities keep their skin so clear?


5 Answers

Donna Kebab Profile
Donna Kebab answered
If you're looking at them on pics its VERY likely that the picture has been changed eg photoshoping or airbrushing to make it look clearer than it is. Also they are likely to be wearing make up (even the boys) to cover up spots etc and to stop the lights reflecting off their skin. :)
Keiko Deranski Profile
Keiko Deranski answered
Half the time, they are wearing SO much make up, it makes it look like they have flawless skin. But they don't. And if they are acme free, it's because they spend thousands of dollars  on skin care products.
maria hruby Profile
maria hruby answered
Well they get pamperd and eat well ,use all tha expensive products ,money buys good skin but we can . EAT WELL ,DRINK LOADS OF WATER , AND USE CREAM ALL OVER GOOD LUCK MY LOVE

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